lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Say no of being a Throwaway

Homeless people are over nine times more likely to take their own life than the general population. All the people need to know about the difficult about Throwaway people because that kids pass for different problems also are many negative stereotypes that the homeless population is burdened. People become homeless for lots of different reasons. There are social causes of homelessness, such as a lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment; and life events which cause individuals to become homeless for example:
A child or teenager who has been rejected, or abandoned by parents or guardians and lives on the streets and for this reason this type of person’s don’t have a friends or a lovely family
Economic situations:
A lot of homeless don’t have money whole days without bathing, dirty or torn clothes that are big or small + they did not buy them for themselves, hunger, addictions, exposure to violence and a common denominator: a look of pain that screams for help.
And for many, life events like a relationship breaking down, losing a job, mental or physical health problems, or substance misuse can be the trigger. Being homeless can in turn make many of these problems even harder to resolve

The effects of homelessness on homeless people are large. They range from health issues to personal entrapment. It is believed that many homeless individual failed in their lives to cope with their difficulties and this makes them alienate themselves from the rest of the world. There are many effects of homelessness on individuals.

Also health throwaway people often encounter a lot of health issues in their lives. Their health gets worse from time to time because they lack attention from people such as doctors, wives, husbands, and family members. And because of lack of necessities they suffer from multiple diseases such as: Cold Injury, Tuberculosis and Skin diseases.
At the time when a homeless person realizes that he/she won’t have a roof to live under forever. It is hard for them to believe. It is this fact of not dealing with reality that makes homeless people less able to take actions, but they suffer psychologically as a result.

Here is an example on the top stories of a Throwaway

Solutions for thrownaways

How can we help thrownaways?

Nowdays we have in our society people that don't have a secure place.
Those people represents the group: ´´Thrownaways´´

There are several ways to help them:
  • First, we need to research and educating ourselves about the topic.
  •  Find social organizations to give food and clothes for children that are in the streets.
  • They need special attention by the goverment.
  • Search a program to help with the education.

Consequences of the Thrownaways

Resultado de imagen para throwaways

These young people are forced to removed from their homes, or sometimes when they born they  do not have a home. Most of these young people surround from 12 to 16 years old.

There are several cases about children who were forced to leave their homes for a million reasons, among them we have: When parents are not responsible enough to take care of their own children, these young people are welcomed by the state but many times They do not like the way they are treated by the people in charge of them after being snatched from their parents.

Young people sometimes are forced or forced to leave their homes because of: sexual abuse by their mother or father, or problems at home and alcoholism or drug problems.

Consequences of runaway

Resultado de imagen para boys leaving their houseIn the 21th Century the percentage of childrens and teenagers who has run away from their home have been increasing exponentially, this issues has many reason of why their runaway, most of the reason are: Physical and mental abuse, mandatory work, etc...

All of this issues has a many consequences in children as teeanger, nevertheless most of this principal consequences that they suffer are:

Resultado de imagen para drogas en jovenes

1.-) Drugs: The 17% of teenager who has been runaway from home have been involved in problems with drugs,it be consuming or dealing it to get a shelter in which one they can sleep or some food that they can feed them.
Resultado de imagen para niños en mendigando

2.-) Sexual Abuse: The 22% of girls less than 16 and 15 years old have been abused sexually, most of this girls comeback home pregnant or in few cases with their son.

3.-)Depression: The 63% of children that live in homeless shelters has suffer of depression that in most of the case 2 of 3 children commited suicide because they miss parents or in other intance the difficult situation that are suffering

The next video show so consequences based in real statistics

Runaways & Throwaways, Is it a global issue?

Nowadays, it is common watching the news about not only one missing kid or teenager but also a little baby that was thrown in the garbage. People don't care at all, maybe because they aren't their children, but what would happen if they are? Imagine that one single day your son has the desire of travel around the world or living independently by himself. Well, the situation is more complex like it seems to be. First of all, teenagers are forced to leave home by following their dreams or living a better life that they want because in their home are incomprehension and unwanted feelings in the most of cases. They faced struggling situation as the throwaways, but they are verbatim forced, because their parents chucked out. Furthermore, both of them will suffer temptation to drugs or alcohol as well, though throwaways are the most tempted because they’re also emotionally affected, they don’t have home to return anymore. Finally, this problem becoming even worst when inhuman people take advantage of this situation making most of time illegal deals with these homeless people. In conclusion, this is an issue that concerns to everyone because the victims are the children and they are the future of the society.

-By: Tapia, J. (2018)