In the 21th Century the percentage of childrens and teenagers who has run away from their home have been increasing exponentially, this issues has many reason of why their runaway, most of the reason are: Physical and mental abuse, mandatory work, etc...
All of this issues has a many consequences in children as teeanger, nevertheless most of this principal consequences that they suffer are:
1.-) Drugs: The 17% of teenager who has been runaway from home have been involved in problems with drugs,it be consuming or dealing it to get a shelter in which one they can sleep or some food that they can feed them.
2.-) Sexual Abuse: The 22% of girls less than 16 and 15 years old have been abused sexually, most of this girls comeback home pregnant or in few cases with their son.
3.-)Depression: The 63% of children that live in homeless shelters has suffer of depression that in most of the case 2 of 3 children commited suicide because they miss parents or in other intance the difficult situation that are suffering
The next video show so consequences based in real statistics
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