lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Perfect couple

Resultado de imagen para confidence love coupleOn the society exist some stereotypes about how it has to be your perfect couple, but in a way of conclusion, a perfecto couple does not exist, in all the couple always are going to be some trouble but there is the difference, the perfect couple, Knows how give a way that a continue in the relationship, the rule #1 always have to be the confidence, this is one of the most important part in every relationship, the couple alway has to have confidence no matter what the people say, you have to trust  on the person that you love.
Resultado de imagen para trust love coupleRules #2 Be honest: this is a harmful rule, no because it always have to say the true, no it is because in some cases be honest is a way in which one you can make no trouble, but is better say a difficult true than a beautiful lie.

This are the most important rules that you have to follow if you want to have the best honest and confidence relationships ever  



Dreamsite. (12 de June de 2015). Obtenido de
METRO. (12 de April de 2017). Obtenido de

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