martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Top 7 - Types of couples

1. The Alpha Couple. This is the couple that is constantly crushing it. They both have jobs that require at least eight years of graduate studies. There's nothing wrong with them and they're perfectly fine people, but hearing about their life makes you feel bad.
2. The Couple That Does Everything First. First to get engaged. First to marry. First to pop out a kid. It's like they're winning a race against no one, frantically trying to "do all the grownup stuff".
3. The Crazy-in-Love Couple. This couple is your entire social network feed. They love each other but they're more concerned with telling everyone else than they are each other. They use "bae" unironically. You've probably unfollowed them by now.
4. The Why-Are-You-Still-Together? Couple. This is the couple that must have mind-blowing sex because you can't figure out whey else they'd still be together. They argue and "break up" and blast each other online constantly. You've had to console them at least twice after breakups, only for them to get back together a week later. They both look sad whenever you see them.
5. The Ghost Couple. They started dating and now they're gone. Just gone. You've verified they're still alive, as they sporadically update their Facebook photos, but they will never hang out with you again.
6. The Long-Distance Couple. One of them lives nearby, so you feel bad not inviting them to couple's events, and then feel bad when they're essentially a perpetual third wheel anyway.
7. The Way-Too-Chill Couple. You wouldn't even know it if they broke up. They barely hang out together. They go out alone, they don't even spend holidays together. It works for them, apparently, but you're pretty sure they go months without speaking.

(Newsmov, 2016)


Frank, C. (July 21st, 2015). Cosmopolitan. From
 Newsmov. (October, 2016). Newsmov. From

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