jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

Valentine´s Day in Ecuador

Valentine's Day is a traditional celebration of Anglo-Saxon countries that has been implanted in other countries throughout the twentieth century mainly in which couples in love express their love and affection to each other. It is celebrated on February 14, the Valentine's Day. In some countries it is known as Valentine's Day and in others as the day of love and friendship. In Anglo-America around 1840, Esther A. Howland began selling the first massive Valentine postcards, known as "valentines," with symbols such as the heart shape or Cupid. Also on this day is common the tradition of giving roses to those people who have a special affection. There are several theories that give this date the origin of Valentine's Day. In the Nordic countries it is during these dates when birds are paired and mated, hence this period is seen as a symbol of love and creation. (golonmead, s.f.)

"The day of love and friendship" as we know it here in Ecuador. It has become a very commercial day, since the goal of this should be to celebrate as the name says "Love and Friendship" but instead, people use it as an excuse to ask for a gift or some present for them .
(El universo, 2018)
For couples in love this day would be another pretext to be able to see and enjoy their company.
Personally I can say that it is very nice to celebrate somehow this day with the people you love most and I have done it, especially with my family and my true friends.
In other countries the essential thing would be especially in schools, the typical letters of friendship that each of the students should receive and in the same way the teachers, since it is a celebration of where a friendship should have grown.
(Delightfully, 2015) https://www.pequeocio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/tarjeta-san-valentin.png


Delightfully, K (January 6th, 2015). PequeOcio.  From bloglovin:

El Universo (February, 2018). eldiarioeluniverso. From EL UNIVERSO:

golonmead. (no date). From brainly: https://brainly.lat/tarea/1096244

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