Perfect couple:
Now days most people in the world are anxious to find their perfect partner. They are stressed because they do not have a great company or as many call them their "soul mate" or also their beloved "half orange", they fear to spend the rest of their lives alone, sad and abandoned for not finding the right person.
Source: (FULBRIGHT, 2013)
On many occasions we risk traveling to places unknown to ourselves, to achieve an unparalleled adventure as in many Hollywood movies. What we do not realize is that we do not need to make these mistakes because the person we have been waiting or dreaming for a long time may be right now next to us or may be next to your house.
Source: (Fozzey, 2013)
Fozzey. (5 de July de 2013). Obtenido de
Y. (13 de FEBRUARY de 2013). Obtenido de
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