lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Effects of Houselessness

Generally, houselessness people don't have house, they sleep on the streets or in some shelter which isn't theirs and depends on the helps from the government or solidarity for surviving. Those people live a situation of social discrimination for the extreme poorness.

For the government, they are the families which don't have incomes enough for the basic feed and nutrition. But that's not the only one problem.

The consequences of this situation are complex. The most direct is that a high amount of families don't have access to basics rights, benefits and services. Millions of people aren't fed right, in the worst of the cases, they suffer desnutrition. Also, they aren't incomes enough to take care of their health needs either.

The lost of incomes affects the education of the children too, and the posibilities of work which makes a vicious circle that becomes the needs in the structural poverty in the society. The becoming of poorness derives on the lost of mental skills affecting the society.

This issue can come from the marginalization and desocialization of the people. Consequently, the break of social coexistence that therefore there will be new security issues because the houselessness people could become thiefs as the last option for get the basic needs as food, clothes, money for surviving.


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