domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

Effects of the Homelesness

The Effect of the Homelessness that has in the society starting in the health issues to personal entrapment, come information said that the person who is homelessness has failed in the live and that makes that he be apart of the society and as the same time he or she by themself get rejection 

One of this personal issues are:

Resultado de imagen para Cardio-Respiratory diseases1.-) HEALTH: Most of the time people obtain some issues problems in their lives, this start as a lack of attention such as doctors, wives, husbands, and family member, this lack of attention produces disease as: Cold Injury, Cardio-Respiratory diseases,Tuberculosis, Skin diseases,Nutritional deficiencies,  Sleep deprivation,  Mental Illness

2.-)PERSONAL: The Homeless person  realize that he don't have a place in which one he/ she can live forever makes that the Homeless People can't accept the reality and as the same time are more able to take action in witch can be affected  suffering  psychologically as a result.: Loss of self esteem, Becoming institutionalized, Increase in substance misuse, Loss of ability and will to care for oneself, Increased danger of abuse and violence, Increased chance of entering the criminal justice system, Development of behavioral problems

In the next video you can see more deeply the effects of Homelessness



Homellessness link . (12 de June de 2014). Impact of Homelessness. Obtenido de
Washington edu. (12 de January  de 2018). Homelessness. Obtenido de
Weiss, D. (Dirección). (2015). Effects of Homelessness [Película].

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