martes, 28 de agosto de 2018


According to ("Cambridge Dictionary", 2018): Multitasking is  "a person's ability to do more than one thing at a time".

In these times millions of people have been in need of becoming multitasking because they do not have enough time to fulfill them all as well as possible, so they prefer to do everything at the same time, but what they do not know is that doing so many tasks at the time can generate consequences towards the human body, harming the health


  •  Multitasking can lead to memory problems.
  •  Multitasking can lead to increased distractibility.
  •  Multitasking can make us walk into traffic.

Top 7 - Types of couples

1. The Alpha Couple. This is the couple that is constantly crushing it. They both have jobs that require at least eight years of graduate studies. There's nothing wrong with them and they're perfectly fine people, but hearing about their life makes you feel bad.
2. The Couple That Does Everything First. First to get engaged. First to marry. First to pop out a kid. It's like they're winning a race against no one, frantically trying to "do all the grownup stuff".
3. The Crazy-in-Love Couple. This couple is your entire social network feed. They love each other but they're more concerned with telling everyone else than they are each other. They use "bae" unironically. You've probably unfollowed them by now.
4. The Why-Are-You-Still-Together? Couple. This is the couple that must have mind-blowing sex because you can't figure out whey else they'd still be together. They argue and "break up" and blast each other online constantly. You've had to console them at least twice after breakups, only for them to get back together a week later. They both look sad whenever you see them.
5. The Ghost Couple. They started dating and now they're gone. Just gone. You've verified they're still alive, as they sporadically update their Facebook photos, but they will never hang out with you again.
6. The Long-Distance Couple. One of them lives nearby, so you feel bad not inviting them to couple's events, and then feel bad when they're essentially a perpetual third wheel anyway.
7. The Way-Too-Chill Couple. You wouldn't even know it if they broke up. They barely hang out together. They go out alone, they don't even spend holidays together. It works for them, apparently, but you're pretty sure they go months without speaking.

(Newsmov, 2016)


Frank, C. (July 21st, 2015). Cosmopolitan. From
 Newsmov. (October, 2016). Newsmov. From

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Signs of a good relationship

Maintaining a relationship in a good way is a complicated task, because if only one member of the couple is concerned to bring good communion, trust, love and others, the problems will occur and this will lead to end the relationship.

A relationship is on the right track, when both are completely in love with each other, when both know the virtues and defects between each other, when there is communication, when they try to extend their love beyond what is allowed. A good romance is one that despite everything bad and good fight to be together and be the support of each other.


Source: (ShortStatusQuotes, 2018)

To know if you follow a good relationship with your partner, (Husain, I. 2018) adds the following signs:

  • You spend time apart, doing things you enjoy: 

  • When you're in the right relationship, your partner understands that there are things you want to do alone. We all need time to do our own things, and the right relationship is one in which both understand and appreciate that about each other.

    • You maintain self-identity:

  • You celebrate being you. Your partner does the same. And you appreciate each other more for maintaining your self-identity. In the right relationship both are nurtured to continuously improve and develop their “self.”

  • Both tips are good to be able to continue with your partner without any problem in the future. First love yourself so you can love someone else.

  • Source: (Short Cartoons for Children, 2016)

  • Bibliography:

    1. Husain, I. (March 19, 2018). 15 Signs You’re In The Right Relationship. Recovered by:
    1. Short Cartoons for Children. (Seotember 16, 2016). Short cartoon "Love Story of two couples" HD. Recovered by:

  • Problems in a Perfect Couple

    Relationship problem: communication
    According to Elaine Fantle Shimberg, author of Blending Families, all relationship problems are due to poor communication. "You can not communicate while you're checking your cell phone, watching TV or flipping through the sports section," he says. (Sorgen, s.f.)
    The lack of communication can cause serious problems in relationships, because if they do not communicate, they do not know the things that bother them, or what they would like the other to do.

                                                                             (Mattia, 2017)
    Problem solving strategies:
    Make a real appointment between them, says Shimberg. If you live together, put the cell phones on vibration, put the children to bed and let the voicemail pick up your calls. If you can not "communicate" without raising your voice, go to a public place like the library, the park or the restaurant, where you would be ashamed if someone saw you scream. Set some rules Try not to interrupt until your partner is talking, or ban phrases like "Always ..." or "Never ...". Use body language to show that you are listening. Do not scribble, look at your watch or cut your nails. Not for the other person to know that you are receiving the message, and reformulate if necessary. For example, say: "What I hear you say is that you feel you have more homework, even though we both work." If you're right, the other can confirm. If what the other person really meant was: "Hey, you're a slob and you create more work for me by having to pick up after you", you can say, but in a more pleasant way. Relationship problem: communication (Sorgen, s.f.)
    As you can see we know that there will always be one way or another to solve problems, if they do not reach a solution, this means that this relationship does not allow for more, and this affects a lot if the couple has already formed a family.

    Perfect couple

    Resultado de imagen para confidence love coupleOn the society exist some stereotypes about how it has to be your perfect couple, but in a way of conclusion, a perfecto couple does not exist, in all the couple always are going to be some trouble but there is the difference, the perfect couple, Knows how give a way that a continue in the relationship, the rule #1 always have to be the confidence, this is one of the most important part in every relationship, the couple alway has to have confidence no matter what the people say, you have to trust  on the person that you love.
    Resultado de imagen para trust love coupleRules #2 Be honest: this is a harmful rule, no because it always have to say the true, no it is because in some cases be honest is a way in which one you can make no trouble, but is better say a difficult true than a beautiful lie.

    This are the most important rules that you have to follow if you want to have the best honest and confidence relationships ever  



    Dreamsite. (12 de June de 2015). Obtenido de
    METRO. (12 de April de 2017). Obtenido de

    domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

    Perfect couple:

    Now days most people in the world are anxious to find their perfect partner. They are stressed because they do not have a great company or as many call them their "soul mate" or also their beloved "half orange", they fear to spend the rest of their lives alone, sad and abandoned for not finding the right person.

    Source: (FULBRIGHT, 2013)

    On many occasions we risk traveling to places unknown to ourselves, to achieve an unparalleled adventure as in many Hollywood movies. What we do not realize is that we do not need to make these mistakes because the person we have been waiting or dreaming for a long time may be right now next to us or may be next to your house.

    Source: (Fozzey, 2013)


    Fozzey. (5 de July de 2013). Obtenido de
    FULBRIGHT, Y. (13 de FEBRUARY de 2013). Obtenido de

    the idealisation of perfect couple

    What is the idealization that society has established about the perfect couple through time?

    Resultado de imagen para perfect couple men helping chores
    Source: (Fisher, 2015)

    The perfect couple is the result of the years of hard work and continual efforts to make your relationship stronger. And, eventually and the most importantly, perfect couples remind each other how much they care about each other.
    Although, this could be every day. 
